Friday, April 14, 2006

Volunteerism as a strengthener to social change

"What people take upon themselves to do voluntarily, day by day, in the way of removing social evils, gives them a moral right to take, whenever necessary, a greater part in curing other such evils and in overcoming other such obstacles to constructive reform. When men cooperate, however modestly, toward common ends, they inevitably acquire valuable training for the kind of large-scale cooperation they will require in times of active struggle." (Arne Næss, Gandhi and the Nuclear Age, 1965, pg 67)

1 comment:

  1. I am not too sure I like the term "moral right" - seems too imposing, but the essensne of the quote is valuable. Næss is highlighting the importance of the contageousness of "good deeds", which can snow ball into social change, or more importantly, much needed assitance during social struggles.
