Thursday, April 13, 2006

Alienation of humans from all nature via technology

“Technological society not only alienates humans from the rest of Nature but also alienates humans from themselves and from each other…The technological worldview has as its ultimate vision the total conquest and domination of Nature and spontaneous natural processes – a vision of a ‘totally artificial environment’ remodeled to human specifications and managed by humans for humans.” (Devall and Sessions, Deep Ecology, pg 48).

1 comment:

  1. This may be a little too Theodore Kaczynski (aka "unabomber") for many, see his manifesto, but I believe there is some value in the quote. Just think about every peice of technology you own and how it seperates you somehow from true nature (humans and ecology). Even those peices of technology that incorporate nature or involve one in nature still allow major seperation and distraction from the true intrinsic beauty.
